Log #0011: Spring Approaches... Sort Of

Just as I was enjoying the warmer weather, it snowed again today.

Only about an inch and a half, but I was as bummed as Homer Simpson giving up the giant doughnut. The snowmelt was almost down to the bare ground yesterday. This has set things back a little. At least it was still warm enough to start melting right away.

I had planned to go into town today, but when I woke up and looked out to see those big, fat flakes coming down, I changed my mind. It stopped snowing in the early afternoon and the skies started to clear, which made things almost like a postcard. I strapped on the snowshoes and tromped around out back for awhile. I had the camera in my pocket and took a few photos, but mostly just looked and admired the scenery.

I also refilled the larder for the birds. The birch tree by my back window now has two wire baskets with suet cakes, a birdfeeder that holds three cups of seed, and a birdseed bell in a mesh holder. Plus I scatter more seed and cracked corn on the ground under a few of the other trees, where the snow has already melted.

I have a small plastic garbage can with lid in my pantry that currently holds about 25 lbs. of seed. There are another eight suet cakes in my refrigerator and two or three birdseed bells on a pantry shelf. The sad thing is that this will probably only last until early to mid summer. I refill that birdfeeder a couple of times a week, at least. The suet cakes are popular and get pecked away quickly. But I suppose the birds are happy.

I have a small flock of Steller's jays that swoop in regularly, as well as a few woodpeckers, a robin or two, a lot of chickadees, and some tiny little birds I finally identified as nuthatches (how apt). I tell myself I do this for Charlotte Cat's entertainment, but to be honest I probably enjoy watching them more than she does. It's similar to watching tropical fish, somehow - vaguely interesting and soothing all at the same time.

* * *

I'm thinking about buying some sort of stepstool for Charlotte Cat.

Allow me to explain. She will only drink from a faucet; she will absolutely not drink from a bowl. And don't give me the line about not giving in because she'll drink from the bowl when she gets thirsty enough. I tried that. She got dehydrated. So what the hell, she can drink from the faucet if it makes her happy.

Anyway, she mostly drinks from the bathroom faucet. Whenever I go in there I tend to turn the water on a trickle for her and let her get a drink if she wants. As she gets older, I notice she hesitates a little before making the jump to the counter sometimes. Same with getting down - it takes a little more care and effort these days. So I'm thinking about something to make the trip up and down easier for her. It needs to be sturdy enough not to tip over and not so bulky that it gets in the way. I'll look around and see what I can find. I try to be a thoughtful housemate, after all.

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