Log #0008: A Paean To Coffee

Today is one of those days when I just can't seem to get the sludge out of my brain. At times like this, it's coffee to the rescue.

I love coffee. I take my coffee very seriously. I only have two to three cups a day, but those two or three cups are essential. The very first thing I do when I wake up is to start a cup of coffee brewing. It's my daily ritual to drink that first cup while I do some gentle exercise and meditate. (Yeah, I know, it sounds so fluffybunny. But it's a great start to the day, so quit rolling your eyes at me.)

The second cup usually comes after I've eaten my first meal of the day, whenever that is. Occasionally I have a third cup a few hours later. Any more than that and I start getting jittery, but I truly do appreciate my daily ration.

I'm pretty boring as far as other vices go. I don't smoke. I don't drink. I don't gamble except for buying the occasional lottery ticket (in the vague hope that I might be the lucky one and get to retire young). I don't eat junk food. But I do have a fairly serious coffee jones. If I don't get that first cup early enough, I get a pounding headache that not much will help and get fairly cranky.

Using good quality coffee is a must. A bad cup of coffee is just wrong and throws my whole world off a little. I'm not a terribly free spender on a lot of things, but I do indulge in good coffee. I can't stand Folgers or Maxwell House or any of that other prepackaged, preground swill. You might as well brew pencil shavings and be done with it.

During the work week I've been using Millstone's Kona Blend lately. Their Breakfast Blend and the Bed & Breakfast Blend are also good. The Mocha Java is a nice change of pace sometimes. On workdays I'm a bit more pressed for time so I often can't savor my coffee to its richest nuance. The Millstone is my "everyday" coffee. I buy the beans and grind enough for about a week at a time. The brand is available in bulk at many grocers or you can order from their website here.

Days off are different. I have time to take things a little slower. Also, days off are special just because of what they are and so deserve a more celebratory air. For days off I use the 100% Kauai Peaberry Blend from Maui Coffee Roasters. Again, I buy the beans and grind enough for a week at a time. This is great stuff. Magnificent Hawaiian coffee shipped straight to your door. It's more expensive than the crappy stuff bought in cans at the grocery store, but it is worth buying some to keep on hand for special days. Check out the website for this place and find something you like. I even like the guy's monthly newsletter, it's the only spam I like to see in my inbox. Very down-home.

It is definitely worthwhile to acquire your own grinder. Once you're grinding your own coffee, you won't believe how stale that stuff in the cans tastes. It's wretched. Grinders can be found at very reasonable prices, I think my little Braun was $15 at one of the big chain stores and it's served me faithfully for a few years now.

BREWING COFFEE: I use a ratio of two rounded tablespoons of ground coffee to 12 ounces of cold water. (Always start with very cold water; I don't know why it makes a difference, but it does.) Sometimes I like to put a dash of cinnamon, ginger or cloves on the grinds before brewing - adds a little zip.

I don't use sugar, nor do I use that non-dairy stuff which bears no resemblance to anything that ever came from a cow. Flavored petroleum derivative is more like. Bleah. I use about one ounce of real cream, preferably heavy cream. Sometimes I shake a bit up until the consistency thickens and then use it, but mostly I just pour it straight from the carton. Very rich, very tasty, and I'm sure much better for you than that chemical imitation. If you must use sugar, I recommend trying brown sugar. It has a better taste, I think. Or you can use a " honey stick," pure honey sealed in a plastic straw for use in tea or coffee. Courtesy of Stash Tea. I got some for Christmas this year. Nifty stuff.

Now if you'll excuse me, I need another cup of coffee.

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